
January 23, 2012


You know what makes me super crazy? When I get an e-mail that almost seems like it's not spam, but I'm just not sure. So, I want to open it, because "Oh my gosh, what if I'm missing out on this really important message!" But, I don't want to open it, because what if it's a virus! Does this ever happen to you? I do end up deleting them... if it were that important, I guess I'd get a phone call or something. Still, it makes me nuts!! I'm the type of gal who really likes to get the mail. I hate bills, but still, it's always a wonder what you're going to find in the mailbox each day. I LOVE (say that last word one pitch higher) getting fun mail. Ask my husband, whenever it's a holiday or birthday coming up, I am on it, checking the mailbox a couple times a day until it comes. There's been a couple times my husband has mailed me a card out of the blue, just so I would have fun mail that day. I also like reading the ads, I don't know, maybe I'm just bored, but I like to call it hopeful. Even if there's not a fun card or birthday invitation for my kids, you know, something different and fun, there's always ads. Well, those ads change every week, maybe there will be a good deal on them, you never know. Whoops, gotta run, I think the mails here!

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